research and learning

Museum of Royal Worcester Reinvigorated with Important Heritage Fund Grant

Zeller, Loren

Whats Happening NewsThe Worcester News reports that the Royal Worcester Museum is the recent beneficiary of a £1.3 million grant to complete a project designed to celebrate 250 years of innovation, industry and craftsmanship at the museum. The newly funded project will expand the museum’s offerings beyond its extensive collection of china to include the history of the factory, the people that worked in it and the social history linked to the company’s hundreds of years of porcelain production. When completed, the expanded exhibit will “shine a light on the hidden stories and exhibits from the museum’s archives” and it will include “audio recordings which describe the camaraderie and rivalry that existed between departments and show just how many skills and pairs of hands each piece took to create.” Consultant for the project, Philippa Tinsley, said that “You get a sense of how important [the city of] Worcester became because of the factory.” Royal Worcester, in operation from 1751-2008, was the oldest porcelain manufacturer in Britain.

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