Join or Renew
Member Benefits
Members joining at any time during the year will have access to the Database of Patterns and Sources and copies of the Bulletin on our website. Learn about all the membership benefits.
Membership Duration
Membership is for the calendar year, January 1 – December 31
Your account will automatically renew on January 1st of the new year. You can cancel at anytime through your TCC account and still have access through December 31. In addition, you will be sent a series of emails starting a couple months in advance notifying you of an upcoming renewal and instructions on how to opt-out of renewing. If you no longer use the email which you originally used to sign up for the TCC, please use the JOIN function to create a new password and pay your dues for 2025.
What kind of membership do I need?
This registration form is for an individual/household membership which is for a maximum of 2 database users in the same household.
The business/institutional membership is for more than 2 database users at one institution or business.
International membership dues are $10.00 higher than U.S. dues to partially off-set the additional postal costs for the TCC Bulletin and other necessary correspondence.