research and learning

"Mammalia" series (Elijah Jones)

Henrywood's Highlights
Transferware from a British Perspective

Number Three of an Ongoing Series by Dick Henrywood

My previous outing for this regular feature concentrated on Edward & George Phillips’ “Polish Views” series and elicited relatively little response. I can, however, confirm the “Wounded Pole” title and also that the series was produced in green.

For this third instalment I have been prompted by Michael Weinberg’s sensational newspaper-like headline “Exotic Animal Find!” in the last Bulletin. I can never resist a challenge.

“Mammalia” series

Stag Plate

Dinner plate “Harnessed Antelope” with mark (images courtesy Judie Siddall)

Harnessed Antelope Mark thumbnail

A series of animal scenes produced by Elijah Jones of the Villa Pottery, Cobridge in the 1830s. The history of the firm itself is rather sketchy, having probably started as Jones & Son in Hanley around 1826-28 and subsequently becoming Jones & Walley around 1840 and then Edward Walley by 1845. Printed wares by Elijah Jones are recorded but are generally rather undistinguished, including patterns titled “Denon’s Egypt,” “Oriental Beauties,” “Picturesque Asiatic Beauties” and a series titled “Palestine.”

In this case the central scenes appear within a geometric diamond-quilted border rather reminiscent of the surface of a pineapple, and examples have a printed mark in the form of a striped shield surrounded by ornamental mantling with the series title above, the maker’s initials EJ on a ribbon at the base, and the individual title beneath.

No source for the patterns has yet been identified although they must have been copied from prints. Surviving examples turn up infrequently and are all dinner wares, predominantly plates, printed in blue, brown or green.

Tea plate “Red Stag” with mark
(images courtesy Dick Henrywood)

Stag Mark thumbnail

Only four subjects have been noted:

“Cuazupuco Deer”
Dessert plate 9.3 in

“Harnessed Antelope”
Dinner plate 11 in
Cake or cheese stand 10.8 in
Illustrations: TCC VIII/2 (stand)

“Red Stag”
Tea plate 7 in

“The Racoon” [sic]
Stand for sauce tureen

I am not aware of any other illustrations in the usual literature so it can be seen that our knowledge is fragmentary. I have been able to confirm all four of these titles but it must have been a complete dinner service, so where are all the other pieces? I can offer illustrations and marks from the “Harnessed Antelope” and “Red Stag” plates, both printed in blue, but can anyone out there provide any other images or information?

Any photos or additional information would be gratefully received and will be reported in future Bulletins. Contributions should be sent to Dick Henrywood by e-mail:

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