Dark Blue in a Welch Dresser


Dark Blue in a Welch Dresser18th century Welch dresser filled with favorite blue and white pieces in the collection of Judie Siddall and David Hoexter. Judie bought the dresser on layaway in 1963, at age 19. It took her a year to pay for it. She first filled it with her grandmother’s “made in occupied Japan” Willow pattern dishes. These were replaced with English 19th century blue transferware after she started collecting it in the 1970s. She and David have collected transferware together since the 1980s and now have more than 800 pieces of transferware in all colors.  Virtually every item shown in the puzzle is in the TCC database. For example, the platter on the upper left is Wedgwood’s Blue Claude, pattern #4161, and the platter on the upper right is Joseph Stubbs’ "State House, Boston," pattern #2103.