A Visit to the Gestler Collection was presented by TCC president Scott Hanson at the TCC 2021 Annual Meeting. He visited Pittsburg, PA to see and hear about the wonderful and extensive Eleanor and David Gestler Collection. Dave and his late wife Eleanor built the collection over decades with annual trips to the UK to seek out additional pieces. The collection is notable for its breadth of themes, colors, shapes, and patterns. There is something for everyone to love in this collection! He talks with Dave and daughters Kim and Carol about Eleanor and the collection. We also get a glimpse of Dave’s extensive Early American Pressed Glass collection. A live Q&A session with the Gestlers follows the video presentation.
Rich with content for ceramic collectors, researchers, authors, curators, and historic archaeologists, the sites are sure to deliver value for their visitors. The exhibition’s curators continue to enhance them and, now, with site application upgrades, including a new magnification feature and upgraded content management capabilities, the TCC and its collaborators are pleased to relaunch these exhibits, all free to a worldwide audience.
Branded Patriotic America, debuted in 2014 in collaboration with Historic New England, and the Winterthur Museum
Launched in 2015 in partnership with the Northern Ceramic Society.
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