research and learning

The Old China Book

The Old China Book
Moore, N. Hudson

THIS little book has been compiled to meet the wants (expressed in hundreds of letters) of those who own old china, particularly old English china, and would like to know more about it, and to stimulate others to whom the fascinations of china collecting are as yet unknown.

There are many more to whom we hope to appeal: – those who are Interested In their country's history during that strenuous time when the colony cast aside its mother's hand and took Its first steps alone. It may well stir our patriotism to look on the plain buildings our ancestors were content to view as " Beauties"; to note the primitive methods of transportation both on land and sea; to revise our knowledge of such famous victories as McDonough's, or Bunker Hill, and to study the rugged features of those who worked and died to make our country what she Is. All this and more may be found within the limits of a collection of "Old Blue."