arrangement of items colored and blue transferware

April Feature Books

CreamwareSuccess to America: Creamware for the American Market, by S. Robert Teitelman,  Patricia A. Halfpenny, and Ronald W. Fuchs II with essays by Wendell D. Garrett and Robin Emmerson

Life in the early days of the young republic was still very much tied to England and its resources. All those who could afford to do so ordered their creamware sets of dishes and goods from English potters, who were only too happy to produce and decorate the requested images that memorialized Revolutionary War heroes, newly elected presidents, maritime merchants, and patriotic sentiments. One of the largest collection of such creamware items was amassed by the late S. Robert Teitelman. This publication highlights 50 of the pieces in the S. Robert Teitelman Collection at Winterthur as well as an additional 25 pieces and decorative arts objects from Winterthur collection. Enhanced by essays that address life in the young republic, the Liverpool pottery industry, and the Atlantic maritime trade, the volume features some of the finest examples of the period. More information.


JugsJugs, by R. K. Henrywood

Before the days of modern packaging the only vessel available for fetching, storing or serving liquids was the simple jug. Jugs were the staple product of many pottery firms and, since most households would need several, the potential market was vast and there was great competition among the manufacturers. Read more.