"Italy" series (Cork, Edge & Malkin / Edge, Malkin & Co.)
Henrywood's Highlights
Transferware from a British Perspective
Number Twenty-Four of an Ongoing Series by Dick Henrywood
Following my previous excursion back to British views, I now return to looking at one of the many series of which few details seem to be recorded in existing literature.
"Italy" series
A series of titled scenes of Italy introduced by Cork, Edge & Malkin of Burslem but continued in production by their successors Edge, Malkin & Co. who registered the design on 29 September 1879. The central views appear within a border of scrolls on a concentric line ground. Early examples bear a printed mark with the series title “ITALY” framed by two leafy sprays with the individual title above and either the maker’s name “CORK, EDGE & MALKIN” or initials “E.M. & Co.” on a panel beneath. Later examples have a mark in the form of a seated dog with the individual title above (often not present) and "TRADE MARK" beneath, then the maker's initials E.M. & Co, B (for Burslem), the series title "ITALY" and then sometimes "ENGLAND". An impressed mark with the maker’s name “EDGE, MALKIN & Co.” in a curve is often present. Some examples also have the printed registration diamond mark. The series is found on dinner and tea wares, most commonly printed in a reddish-brown, although more definite red and brown examples exist, as do wares printed in blue.
Recorded views are:
“Assisi” *
Platter 17.25in
“Bennevento” [sic]
Plate 7.2in
Plate 6.5in
Handled dish 9.5in
Cup plate
Saucer 5.5in
Deep dish 7.1in
Illustrations: Snyder 56 (cup and saucer); Williams & Weber 1/307 (cup plate); Williams & Weber 2/593 (saucer)
“Castle Gandolfo”
Plate 10in
Platter 13.1in
“Isola di Sora”
Platter 13in
Handled dish 13.25in
“Lerigi, Gulf of Spizzia” [sic]
Plate 8.4in
Dished plate 8.5in
Platter 11in
Rectangular dish 10in by 8in
* The title for the view of “Assisi” has not been confirmed. The only illustrations of pieces from this series appear to be of “Bennevento” which was used for several different items, including teawares, often without any individual title. Several of the views are listed in the TCC database but here I illustrate two examples and the most common printed mark. It may be worth emphasizing that the individual title is often missing from the printed marks, and that wrongly titled examples are known. With most of the above items being flatwares there must be other pieces out there, particularly tureens. This is another opportunity for readers to hunt out information for us. As usual, any news would be very gratefully received and should be sent to Dick Henrywood via email at henrywoodshighlights@transferwarecollectorsclub.org.
(Click on images for a larger view.)
Typical printed titles mark with maker’s initials. | “Lerigi, Gulf of Spizzia” dessert plate in brown. | “Isola di Sora” platter in typical reddish-brown. |