Recorder News: Sorry to See You Go
Dick Henrywood has produced the final Recorder News. Authored and prepared bimonthly for eight years, Recorder News has provided us with a vast array of information related to transferware. With input from subscribers (there was never a charge to subscribe), Dick covered a wide range of topics, including new discoveries, auction results, and background information on pattern sources and makers, always supplemented with superb images. Information contributed by readers also supplemented Dick’s research for his recent publications of the six-volume Transferware Recorder, which can be purchased directed at https://www.transferprintedpottery.com, or by contacting him by email: recorder@transferprintedpottery.com.To celebrate the completion of fifty issues, and as a contribution to the festive season, he is offering subscribers the chance to buy copies of The Transferware Recorder for just five pounds each, plus shipping. Dick has assembled a final index covering all 50 issues of Recorder News. To the view the Recorder News complete index click here. The TCC will continue to host all 50 past issues on our website.
In closing, we wish to thank Dick for his many decades of warm friendship and his contributions to the transferware world, including numerous articles, Henrywoods’ Highlights (which preceded Recorder News), publications, lectures, and responses to collectors’ and researchers’ inquiries. We anticipate his continued contributions, no matter what the format.
Recorder News: November 2024
"To celebrate our longevity we have prepared a bumper issue with several platters, a very rare frog mug, special order wares, British and Middle Eastern views, another large display jug, a popular sheet chintz pattern by at least four different makers, a note about numbered patterns, a profusion of interesting marks, source prints and much more". Read more.
Rich with content for ceramic collectors, researchers, authors, curators, and historic archaeologists, the sites are sure to deliver value for their visitors. The exhibition’s curators continue to enhance them and, now, with site application upgrades, including a new magnification feature and upgraded content management capabilities, the TCC and its collaborators are pleased to relaunch these exhibits, all free to a worldwide audience.
Branded Patriotic America, debuted in 2014 in collaboration with Historic New England, and the Winterthur Museum
Launched in 2015 in partnership with the Northern Ceramic Society.
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