Guidelines for Authors
Transferware Collectors Club (TCC) Bulletin
Every author has his/her style preferences. We don’t want to dictate style. However, for the TCC Bulletin to maintain consistency in the presentation of articles, we ask that you comply with the following guidelines:
- Start your article with a title, using capitalization of key words and not using all capitals. Under the title, place your name as you would like it to appear in the Bulletin.
- Please do NOT incorporate images or photos within the text when submitting your article. Transmit images as individual jpg or png files. Our professional designer prepares and organizes the Bulletin, and requires flexibility to do so. Please identify figures at the appropriate location within the text (e.g. Figure 1, not Fig. 1) and give each figure a file name that includes the figure number (such as Author Name Fig 1.jpg).
- Please use Microsoft Word, preferably font Times New Roman size 12, submit your article in Word format, and do NOT convert your submittal to PDF.
- Prepare a brief caption for each figure starting with its figure number and list all captions following the text.
- References are encouraged, and should be listed alphabetically following the text. We know there are many formats for listing references. We request you use the following format for consistency with other authors when listing references following the text:
Author last name, author first name or initials, additional authors, year of publication, name of publication or article, publisher, city. Additional information if appropriate.
References within the text need only include the author’s name and date of publication (e.g. Henrywood, 2023). Any book title referenced within the text should be italicized (e.g. The Dictionary of Blue and White Printed Pottery).
- Endnotes are also welcome. If possible, please enter your endnote as a superscript number (such as this1) within the text, and then list the endnotes numerically following the text, references, and figure captions. This can be done automatically in Mircrosoft Word by clicking the “References” tab at the top of the screen and then selecting “Insert Endnote.”
- Images (figures) should be of a high resolution. All authors are responsible for requesting and securing permission to reproduce images for both print and digital publication.
- Please proofread and spell check your document.
- The TCC Bulletin editor reserves the right to edit / modify submittals to ensure consistency among/between submittals. Be assured, we will not modify observations, concepts, conclusions, etc., and we will endeavor to obtain author approval of our edits, if any, prior to final publication.
- We welcome submittals of any reasonable length! We will be pleased to assist authors who are less practiced or experienced with preparing an article.
Thanks for your contribution(s) to the TCC Bulletin!
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We look forward to new submissions! Please address questions to Dan Sousa, Interim Bulletin Editor, or co-editors David Hoexter and Michael Sack.
Dan Sousa, Interim TCC Bulletin Editor,
David Hoexter, Co-Editor,
Michael Sack, Co-Editor,