arrangement of items colored and blue transferware

August Feature Books

Swansea'sSwansea's Cambrian Pottery Transferware by Tanner, Arleen and Grahame

The book includes a wealth of information: 90 patterns including Chinoiserie, Rural, Transitional, Sheet, Commemoratives and later patterns, 310 colour illustrations, sections on the potters' working and living conditions, Swansea Pottery employee census records, the first checklist ever produced of 349 known patterns from ALL Welsh Potteries, a well-illustrated marks section, an alphabetical index and an extensive bibliography. Read more.


Swansea'sSwansea's Cambrian Pottery Transferware II Patterns and Borders by Tanner, Arleen and Grahame

This book has 220 pages with over 90 patterns and 420 color illustrations including Chinoiserie, Rural, Commemorative, Transitional, Sheet and previously unattributed. The “Table of Contents” titled PATTERNS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE makes the book easy to use as a reference. Also helpful are the Alphabetical List of patterns and the Alphabetical Index to Patterns with Relevant Marks (with a selection from Book 1). Read more.